The AECC (Asociación Estudiantil de Ciencia de Cómputos) is an officially recognized student organization at UPR-RP. We are the AECC's 2017-2018 governing board, our purpose and our mission is to fulfill the organization's commitment with bringing quality resources to our members and providing assistence in any way we can. In doing so, we also wish to develop our leadership, social, professional, and academic skills. In this page you can find out more details about each of us, and our individual interests and motivations. Please support us in any way you wish and spread the word!
I'm finishing up my last year of my CS degree and possibly Cybersecurity minor. I believe the AECC's mission is to provide our members with resources that complement the topics covered in our curriculum, introduce new material to our members, give them additional tools to succeed after graduation, and provide a sense of community in our major. I like to help out our members by providing a good learning environment in the AECC where they can feel comfortable to ask about anything. I've researched on bioacustics monitoring using machine learning with Dr. Corrada, worked with Dr. Blattner at NIST to develop a tool for his heterogeneous HPC system, and I'm currently working with Dr. José Ortiz on a Cybersecurity project. I plan to pursue a CS PhD where I'll focus on Cybersecurity, HPC, and/or Data Science. I'm mostly interested in CS theory, but I like tinkering with languages, tools, Os's, etc.
cybersecurity, machine learning, tutoring, functional programming, python, research (particularly interdisciplinary), cats, videogames, FOSS, and Lillian.
Undergraduate Computer Science Research student. I am currently working on analyzing higher order mutation interactions using spectral analysis, a project my team and I started this summer as a part of the MSRI Undergraduate Program. I am also the tutor for the Discrete Mathematics course. I plan to pursue a doctorate's degree in Computational Mathematics or Data Science. As vice- president, I aspire to organize more activities that encourage students to enter and stay in the field of Computer Science. On my free time, I enjoy reading and doing crafts.
Combinatorics, Algebra, Problem Solving, arts and crafts, cats, and Alejandro.
Fifth year Computer Science undergraduate student and AECC member since 2014. I aim to expand the association's outreach beyond the UPR-RP community. Members can feel free to approach me with any doubt or question they might have and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.
Cybersecurity, Pentesting, Threat Analysis, Incident Response, Software Design, Free and Open-Source Software
I want to help AECC's members to find new opportunities in their profesional development. I am studying Discrete Mathematics, Computers Science and Physics. I will try to merge this three disciplines in my profesional life, for example, working in cryptographic acoustics.
Math, Computer Science, Physics, Music, Acoustics, Cryptography, Languages