The AECC (Asociación Estudiantil de Ciencia de Cómputos) is an officially recognized student organization at UPR-RP. We are the AECC's 2017-2018 governing board, our purpose and our mission is to fulfill the organization's commitment with bringing quality resources to our members and providing assistence in any way we can. In doing so, we also wish to develop our leadership, social, professional, and academic skills. In this page you can find out more details about each of us, and our individual interests and motivations. Please support us in any way you wish and spread the word!
22 year old Computer science major pursuing a double major in Math. Current president of the AECC association. I consider myself to be a helping hand to others, and like to lead by example. I participated in the ICPC program in 2016 representing the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. The languages I've learned throughout my bachelor's have been the following: Python, C++, Javascript, sml, CUDA, open CL, and open MPI. My future plans consist of pursuing a Master's Degree focused on Deep Learning.
Parallel Processing, Artifical Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
I'm finishing up the third year of my CS degree. I believe the AECC's mission is to compliment material that was lacking or missing in our Department's curriculum, and I aim to help the AECC provide this content to our members and the general public. I like to help out our members by providing a good learning environment in the AECC where they can feel comfortable to ask about anything. I'm currently researching with Dr. Corrada and I plan to pursue a doctorate focused on Cybersecurity or Machine Learning. I'm mostly interested in CS theory, but I like tinkering with languages, tools, Os's, etc.
cybersecurity, machine learning, anything linux related, readable code, competitive programming, haskell, python, research, cats, videogames, and Lillian.
Math major, major cutie and majorly funny 😁
videogames, sports, finishing my math major, I want to work with learning evaluations and educational topics in Puerto Rico.
I hope to establish a constant prescence for the AECC, not only in the community at the university, but also in the technology sector in Puerto Rico. My focus is for the association and its members to know about and participate in the academic and entrepreneurship opportunities that we can offer.
I'm currently completing the CS degree. I'm interested in undergraduate research focused in cybersecurity given its constant relevance in the world of technology.
I want to help AECC's members to find new opportunities in their profesional development. I am studying Discrete Mathematics, Computers Science and Physics. I will try to merge this three disciplines in my profesional life, for example, working in cryptographic acoustics.
Math, Computer Science, Physics, Music, Acoustics, Cryptography, Languages
Undergraduate Computer Science Research student. Along with working under the mentorship of Dr. Rubio, I am the tutor for the Discrete Mathematics course, and a babysitter. I aspire to have a doctorate's degree in mathematics. On my free time, I enjoy reading and doing crafts.
mathematics, problem solving, Scheme, crafts, cats, and Alejandro.
This is my 7th year as an undergraduate college student and computer science is actually my 2nd mayor. Originally I just wanted to take a few introductory courses but I fell in love with the field and here I am. I have a lot of advice to offer, just hit me up whenever you need help and I'll try my best to help you.
Software Development, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics, Research, System Administration